Monday, May 01, 2006

Prague's Finest

The statue sits in the middle of Prague's main square. The colors of this photo are vivid on a sunny day last year.


Blogger Unknown said...

Nice picture. I also have been to Prague. It is a truly charming city. Prague looks great and the best way to explore this city is to get lost in it.
Also find good accommodation is not a problem, even in old center, there are a plenty of Prague hotels for any budget.
The streets of Prague (or Praha) are worn. Walking through Old Town, I began to wonder if the wear and tear was due to the age of the place or all of the many tourists that the fall of Communism has ushered in. Nevertheless, it is not the street surface that will draw your attention. The entire city is like a giant tapestry, perfectly varied in its design, full of a splendid array of outstanding and exemplary architecture. Gothic towers, Baroque facades, and Romanesque columns surround you as you weave your way through the twisting streets of Old Town.

5:55 AM  

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